Mind Leaks

Our thoughts are comparable to a bucket. We fill it up with positive, negative, constructive or destructive ideas. There are times we will it up to the brim. We might even find ourselves overflowing with ideas that we can no longer contain. Or maybe, we find ourselves with an empty bucket, all ideas exhausted.



I have been in both places. Empty and overflowing.

It is when I just let the ideas flow through me that I find myself overflowing with non-stop ideas about something. I just let my mind drip. The only problem I have is that I don’t have a place to contain my dripping thoughts. This is why this site is born.

I wanted a place where I can collect and contain my thoughts. A place that is free of judgment. An avenue where everybody will just listen. One-way. Just the way I like it.

Though I am aware that some of you might be courageous enough to comment and critique, I welcome them.